Monday, December 23, 2013

5 Years Later......

I miss you, Daddy. I miss you as much now as I did five years ago. I talk to you all the time, and I know you are watching over us. Your grandchildren are growing up so fast. Tomorrow Miss Macie will be 6, that is so hard to believe! I wish you could have met Daleyn she is so precious and she too would have been wrapped around your finger. I know you live inside of me b/c I see more of you in me as I get older.
I miss our talks and I miss your laugh, but most of all I miss your hugs/kisses! Keep watching over us as we keep the memories of you alive!

I often think to myself, "Are you aware of things down here?"  "Do you know that you have a second grand-daughter?"  "Do you know that I have finally quit smoking?"  "Do you know that I am now in a relationship with the most wonderful person?"  "Do you know how hard things have been since your passing?"  So many things I think about but one thing that never leaves me is how much I miss you and the many memories that I was fortunate to make you and our family. 

Although Daleyn never met you, she says she has seen you and even talked to you (I believe you are her guardian angel).  After your passing Macie always commented that she talked to "Papa" and would point to where she saw you(I believe you are her guardian angel too).  This gives me some comfort to know that they feel and/or see you even though we can't.  Keep watching over those babies Daddy - they love you even though they don't "remember you".  We want to keep your legacy alive and we do so by telling these babies what a good man their "Papa" was.

This is the only picture I have of you with Ed and's one of my favorite pictures of you because I see the happiness on your face.  I miss my NC family the older I get b/c losing you made me realize that life is too short.  I wish I was able to see them more than I do.  

We miss you everyday but we are thankful for the time we had with you.  You will NEVER be forgotten!

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