Friday, September 13, 2013

BDay Dinner with friends

Last night was a wonderful night of dinner and conversation with a few friends to celebrate my 35th BDay before leaving for vacation.  During the evening my 4 year old niece, Princess D wanted to take pictures with my iPhone.  I was not certain she would know how to operate it, so I showed her the button to push to take pics and she took probably 25 pics of our entire group instructing who she wanted to set together for the shot. She impressed everyone at the dinner table, albeit they were a little blurry due to her shaking while clicking the shutter button... here are a few of the pics that she took

Then my favorite from the evening, taught her how to take a selfie...... yes I know she is only 4, but she took such a great interest in my phone I wanted to see what she would do.  Here is her selfie....

 I love her smile while looking for the button to push at the same time....Priceless!

Getting ready to leave for a much needed vacation with the love of my life!! We will be going on our 1st cruise together.  Can't wait for this adventure and I am sure there will be more cruises to come!!

Bon Voyage!!!

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